Warranty covers manufacturer defects, not wear and tear. Products in the warranty period still need to be serviced at recommended intervals (see our service interval chart below). Performance concerns resulting from lack of service are not considered warranty. See our Warranty FAQ for complete details.
Articles in this section
- How much will it cost to service my product?
- In what countries is RockShox Service Direct Offered?
- How long does a RockShox service repair take?
- Can I submit a warranty request with RockShox Service Direct?
- Why wasn’t my order covered under warranty?
- What if my serial number does not confirm when creating my order request?
- Where is the serial number located on my SRAM product?
- Which RockShox products can I send to SRAM for service?
- Does SRAM offer a RockShox basic 50-hour fork or shock service?
- How do I determine the age of my RockShox product?