If the Open, Pedal, and Lock LEDs are pulsing yellow, Safe Mode has been activated. Settings cannot be adjusted in the SRAM AXS Mobile App when Safe Mode is activated, and the system is unable to exit Safe Mode until the triggering issue has been resolved.
The fork Control Module, Rear Shock Module, or Pedal Sensor battery levels are critically low. Check battery status in the app or by pressing the AXS button and referencing the LED color/lack of color.
The Rear Shock Module has lost communication with the Control Module.
1. Charge or replace necessary batteries and test function.
- Outcome 1a) The system exits Safe Mode with charged batteries. All is well, go ride!
- Outcome 1b) The system remains in Safe Mode. Continue to Troubleshooting step 2.
2. Make sure the Rear Shock Module battery is charged and awake; cycle the shock or press the AXS button to wake it.
- Outcome 2a) The Rear Shock Module wakes and the system exits Safe Mode. All is well, go ride!
- Outcome 2b) The system remains in Safe Mode. Reach out to your point of purchase for assistance.