If the Open, Pedal, and Lock LEDs on the Fork Control Module are pulsing cyan during calibration, the Rear Shock Module was not detected. The Rear Shock Module must be awake, paired into the system, and in the sag position in order to set calibration.
The Rear Shock Module has lost communication with the Fork Control Module.
The Rear Shock Module battery level is critically low.
The Flight Attendant System needs to be paired again.
1. Make sure the Rear Shock Module battery is charged and awake - cycle the shock or press the AXS button to wake it.
- Outcome 1a) The system can now enter Calibration Mode. Complete the calibration process - see calibration video/instructions.
- Outcome 1b) The system cannot enter Calibration Mode. Continue to Troubleshooting step 2.
2. Fully charge the rear shock battery and reinstall.
- Outcome 2a) The system can now enter Calibration Mode. Complete the calibration process - see calibration video/instruction.
- Outcome 2b) The system cannot enter Calibration Mode which indicates that the rear shock is not paired into the Flight Attendant system. Continue to Troubleshooting step 3.
3. Complete the pairing process - see the Pairing Video.
- Outcome 3a) The system can now enter Calibration Mode. Complete the calibration process - see calibration video/instructions.
- Outcome 3b) The system cannot be placed into Calibration Mode. Reach out to your point of purchase for assistance.